CFP: The Formation and Development of New Markets (Workshop 3), London.
International Workshop Series Tools for the Future: Researching Art Market Practices from Past to Present We are pleased to invite you to participate in the third of our International Workshop son the formation…
CONF: Sammeln und Ausstellen global? (Duesseldorf, 1 Feb 19)
Ein Studientag anlässlich der Ausstellung Museum global. Mikrogeschichten einer ex-zentrischen Moderne Seit seiner Entstehung im 18. Jahrhundert ist das Museum ein Ort permanenter Neu- und Umordnungen. Sammlungen haben den Anspruch von Dauer. Gleichwohl…
ANN: Gulbenkian Symposium – Collecting: modus operandi, 1900-1950, 15-16 February 2019, Lisbon
In 2019 the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum and the Art Library will have been open for 50 years. Gulbenkian was known as ‘Mr. 5%’, who wanted ‘only the best’, but this conference seeks to…
CONF: Raubkunst, Kulturgut, nationales Eigentum? (Tutzing, 8-10 Feb 19)
Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, 08. – 10.02.2019Registration deadline: Feb 1, 2019 Raubkunst, Kulturgut, nationales Eigentum? Objekte zwischen Recht und Moral 20 Jahre nach der „Washingtoner Erklärung“ bleiben noch immer viele Fälle von NS-Raub- bzw. Beutekunst ungeklärt….
JOB: Freelancer for the Art Market Dictionary, Berlin
For the final phases of preparation of the Art Market Dictionary book and database project at De Gruyter publishers in Berlin, we are seeking a freelancer to assist with editorial tasks in our…
CFP: Artifacts, Images and Forms in Global Circulation (Paris, 13-14 Jun 19)
Artifacts, Images and Forms in Global CirculationA Digital Approach of Visual Semantics Co-organizers : Ecole Normale supérieure, Université de Grenoble-Alpes/Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes, Purdue College of Liberal Arts. Chairs : Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel,…
Apply Now: “Currents and Currency. Cultural Circulations in the Mediterranean and Beyond.” June 13-15, 2019, Antalya
We invite abstract submissions for the 3-day workshop ‘Currents and Currency. Cultural Circulations in the Mediterranean and Beyond’, to be held in Antalya, Turkey, at the Koç University Suna & İnan Kıraç Center…
Discount: ‘Studies in the History of Collecting and Art Markets – A Study in the Social History of Art’ (Vol. 5) by Paolo Coen
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