ANN: Kunstmuseum Bern has launched the Gurlitt Estate Database
The database gives access to the Cornelius Gurlitt Estate, from any location and at any time. In this inventory, the front and back of every artwork is pictured, with basic data and current…
ANN: The “Lexicon of Austrian Provenance Research” has been re-designed (also in English)
The basic idea of the “Lexikon der österreichischen Provenienzforschung” is to bring together the findings which the members of the Commission for Provenance Research and further provenance researchers have been gathering since 1998 on…
ANN: The German Lost Art Foundation redesigned the website of the most extensive database worldwide for Nazi-looted art for a more up-to-date appearance and increased user-friendliness
Lost Art has a fresh face: The website of the most extensive database worldwide for the search for Nazi-looted art and so-called trophy art on has been redesigned in a more contemporary style and…
ANN: New archival collections available online at the Wildenstein Plattner Institute (
The WPI is pleased to announce the release of two important archival collections documenting the history of art dealing and collecting in the late 19th and early 20th centuries France. Galerie Félix Gérard…
CONF: Hugo Helbing: Art Gallery and Auction House “of world renown“ 1885-1938; art market research with digital sources (online / Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München, 26 Jan. 2022, in German and English)
This conference presents current research on Hugo Helbing’s auction house, on objects which were sold through his firm, and on the art market. It combines a variety of perspectives which have recently been…
JOB: Cataloguing Specialist, Wildenstein Plattner Institute (from Feb. 2022)
The WPI is looking for an experienced Cataloguing Specialist to join us starting February 2022. The position is primarily responsible for original and complex copy cataloguing of digitized print materials, including sales catalogues and exhibition catalogues,…
CONF: Collecting and archiving in the post-digital age / Sammeln und Archivieren im postdigitalen Zeitalter (online / Donau Universität Krems, 3 Dec 2021; in German)
Alte und neue Archive. Sammeln und Archivieren im postdigitalen Zeitalter Die Digitalisierung hat in Sammlungen, Archiven und Bibliotheken in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einem weitreichenden Wandel geführt. Das Digitale ist trotz bzw. mit…
ANN: Launch of the “Répertoire des acteurs du marché de l’art en France sous l’Occupation (RAMA)” (INHA Paris, 3 Dec 2021)
À partir du 3 décembre 2021, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) publie en ligne plus de 150 articles biographiques du Répertoire des acteurs du marché de l’art sous l’Occupation, 1940-1945 (RAMA) sous…
ANN: Presentation of the Project “Digital Benin” (in English), (DZK & CARMAH / online, 11 Oct 2021, 6pm CEST)
Digital Benin ( will digitally unite the globally dispersed works of art from the Kingdom of Benin and as an unparalleled forum of knowledge, it will bring together object data and related documentation…