CONF: From Contested Ownership to (In)Voluntary Returns: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Postcolonial Fight for Restitution and Repatriation (Max-Weber-Kolleg, Universität Erfurt – 24-25 Oct 2024)
Starting in the early 1970s, activists all over the world embarked on a decades-long fight for the return of Ancestral Remains and looted colonial artefacts from European and North American museums and collections…
TIAMSA Member: Private Collector Attitudes to Antiquities Collecting & Repatriation
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CONF: Zur Restitution von Objekten aus Kolonialismus und Nationalsozialismus – historische Rechts- und Eigentumsvorstellungen (Universität Gießen, 12-14 July 2023)
Aktuelle Debatten um Restitutionen von Objekten aus ehemaligen Kolonien und aus dem Nationalsozialismus behandeln zentrale Fragen nach Eigentumsordnungen hauptsächlich moralisch-politisch statt historisch-kritisch. An dieser Leerstelle setzt die Tagung an: Ziel ist es, (inter-)nationale…
ANN: Seminar – Beyond Restitution: What happens to cultural objects after their return? (Online/British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London (3 Jul 2023; 16.00 – 17.15 UK time)
This hybrid event will present some of the key findings of our project entitled ‘Beyond Restitution: Exploring the Story of Cultural Objects After Their Repatriation’, which sought to offer a longer-term view on…
ANN: Seminar – International Legislation and Issues Related to the Return of Works of Art (Milan, 14 Feb 2023)
Conversazioni Tra Arte E Diritto Da una collaborazione tra il nostro studio legale e la casa d’aste ARTCURIAL è nata l’idea di dedicare tre pomeriggi all’esame di alcune tematiche di interesse per il…
ANN: Research Group on Looted Art, Provenance Research and Restitution in the Netherlands (Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture, University of Amsterdam)
The spoliation of art during the Nazi-era and the Holocaust is the central focus of this research group. However, we extend it to colonial and other contexts as well. The group is concerned…
ANN: Resolving Restitution Disputes Seminar (Institute of Art & Law; London, 27 Sep 2022)
The Institute of Art & Law will hold an in-person seminar in London on 27th September entitled “Resolving Restitution Disputes: Process, reconciliation and creativity”, run in partnership with Keystone Law. The seminar will cover…
CFP: Post-Colonial Heritage in the Present (Rome, 12-13 Oct 2022)
Coming to terms with the long-lasting impact of colonialism has recently been the focus of attention of a number of cultural institutions transnationally. From the 90s onward scholars have noted multiple ways to…
STIP: PhD Fellowship, REPATRIATES Project (Central European University, Vienna; from 1 Sep 2022)
Call for Applications: Fully Funded PhD Fellowship at Central European University, Vienna in the REPATRIATES project and History in the Thematic Area of: Artistic Research in Museums and Communities engaged in the process…