Call For Papers for Cahiers De Mariemont Vol 44 (2022)
The Multiple: Hybridity At The Crossroads Of Fields And Practices (From 1950 To The Present Day)
Echoing volume 43 of the Cahiers de Mariemont dedicated to the Replicating Art, volume 44 focuses on multiple as a practice characteristic of the post-war period and which still accompanies and reflects the profound transformations of our societies today. As Michel Melot writes about the book: ‘The “multiple” is neither a reproduction, nor a “copy” interchangeable with another. The category of “multiple” is therefore a hybrid between reproduction and a single original work’.
Deadline For Proposals: 15 Sep 2021
This volume invites researchers, artists and publishers to question this art form, reflecting not only on the evolution of the status of the work of art and that of the artist, but also on the way in which these works use and sometimes divert the most recent means of production and distribution, in particular since the 2000s. Here is a non-exhaustive list of avenues for reflection to explore:
– Historical perspective: origins, developments and continuity of a practice
– The status of the work and the artist
– The ‘multiple’ and the democratization of art
– The standards and values of society called into question
– The challenges and means of production and dissemination of the ‘multiple’
– Positioning of creators vis-à-vis traditional materials and techniques and innovations
– Distribution networks
– The roles and functions of the various actors of the multiple: publishers and creators
– Place of artists’ books in the contemporary multiple
Proposals are to be sent to the editor of the Cahiers de Mariemont, Jean-Sébastien Balzat ( by September 15th 2021. They must include a summary (2,000 to 3,000 characters), a provisional title, a selected bibliography and a short biography of the author (2 or 3 lines). The submitted article must contain a maximum of 30,000 characters (spaces included) preceded by a summary and followed by 10 keywords. The submissions are expected by January 15th 2022.
Dr Sofiane Laghouati, qualified researcher and curator of modern and contemporary books, Royal Museum of Mariemont
Dr Jean-Sébastien Balzat, scientific editor, Cahiers de Mariemont
The Cahiers de Mariemont
Established in 1970, the Cahiers de Mariemont is the annual journal of the Royal Museum of Mariemont (Belgium). The journal is peer-reviewed. It aims at promoting the study of the Museum’s rich collections, and also publishes articles, mainly in French and English, about a wide range of subjects from various disciplines including Ancient Mediterranean art and archaeology, extra-European arts, Belgium’s regional archaeology and history, precious books, decorative art, and museology. Its dossiers deal with current research themes in both transversal and cross-disciplinary perspectives.
For more information, please check the Museum website at
Issues 1 to 40 is available on the open-access academic platform Persée ( by the end of 2020.
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