ANN: Evening Lectures online (Centre for Art Market Studies / Forum Kunst und Markt, TU Berlin, 11 Nov / 5 Dec 2024 / 20 Jan / 10 Feb 2025)
In the Evening Lectures, current research on the present and historical areas of tension and dynamics between art (production), the art trade, art politics, art museums and art history – also including their…
ANN: Evening Lectures (Forum Kunst und Markt, TU Berlin / online – 10 June / 24 June / 8 July 2024)
The lecture series of the Centre for Art Market Studies is dedicated to interdisciplinary and inter-institutional research exchange on the dynamics and tensions between art trade, art politics and the institutionalised art world.
ANN: Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies – Lectures Winter Term 2023/2024
Date: 18/12/23, 18:15-19:45 CETMichael Trautmann, Stuttgart:“Asiatika im aktuellen Auktionshandel – ein Erfahrungsbericht”TU Berlin Zoom-Link: ONLINE EVENT // TU Berlin-Zoom
ANN: Kunst versichern = Kunst schätzen? Einblicke in die Historie und Gegenwart, Lecture by Thomas Steinruck (Forum Kunst und Markt online, 10 Jul 2023 18:15-19:45)
The Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin cordially invites you to the Live Online eEvening Lecture of Dr Thomas Steinruck, Zurich “Kunst versichern = Kunst schätzen?…
ANN: L’hôtel Drouot et le rôle du commissaire-priseur pendant l’Occupation – Lecture by Dominique Ribeyre and Isabelle Rouge-Ducos (INHA Paris, 21 Jun 2023)
Historienne de l’art, Isabelle Rouge-Ducos reviendra sur le développement du métier de commissaire-priseur, pour questionner de près son rôle pendant l’Occupation au sein de l’hôtel de Drouot, seule maison de ventes publiques alors…
ANN: A First Reconstruction of the Eclectic Art Collection of the Archaeologist and Art Dealer Ludwig Pollak (1868-1943); online-lecture by Federica De Giambattista (Society for the History of Collecting, 28 Jun 2023, 6pm BST)
On 28 June the Society for the History of Collecting hosts a Zoom lecture delivered by Federica De Giambattista on the topic of “A first reconstruction of the eclectic art collection of the…
TIAMSA Member News: Lecture – Ferdinand de Rothschild and the Art Market (Online, 17 Apr 2023; 17.30–19.00 BST)
As part of the is part of The Wallace Collection Seminar in the History of Collecting series, Dr Diana Davis will deliver an online lecture about Ferdinand de Rothschild and the art market….
PUBL: Craig Hugh Smyth – The Central Art Collecting Point in Munich (2022; free download available)
Between June 1945 and March 1946 the art historian Craig Hugh Smyth was the first director of the Central Collecting Point, the institution in Munich where the US Military Government in Germany collected…
ANN: Infrastructures and Interfaces of linked data for Research in the Dutch Golden Age, Lecture by Charles van den Heuvel (Belvedere 21 Vienna / DArtHist Austria, 28 June 2022, 18:00 CEST; in English)
Die Entwicklung digitaler Forschungsinfrastrukturen wie die Digitalisierung des Kulturerbes selbst erfordern enorme Investitionen, die nur durch die gezielte (Nach-)Nutzung der Daten sowie den Nachweis ihrer gesellschaftlichen Relevanz legitimiert werden können. Wie können diese Kulturerbedaten…